It’s Saturday afternoon. And instead of cheering on your kid at their soccer game…
You’re at the office working on another case, doing prep work for that trial on Monday.
Sadness hits you as you realize you can’t remember the last time you took a REAL vacation.
You know, the kind where you can put away your phone and laptop and just enjoy the time with your spouse and family.
How could you? Your employees can’t be fully trusted to run the firm in your absence.
They’re good enough to not get fired… but that’s about it.
There’s financial stress, too. At first, you weren’t sure you were going to get enough new clients to be profitable.
Now, you get leads… but the quality is inconsistent.
Some of your leads are top-notch…
And others are nightmare clients who constantly blow up your firm and send text after email after text about their case.
So your revenue stops growing.
Which means you can’t give yourself OR your staff the raises you know they deserve.
And technically, you're losing money to inflation.
Slowly, the freedom you dreamed about with opening your firm…
Has become a trap, a secret dread that stresses you out every day.
So you lay awake at night, wondering if your rainmaker associate will leave your firm (and what the heck you’ll do if that happens).